Beautiful Oops!

Based on the bestselling book Beautiful Oops! by Barney Saltzberg, CELEBRATE OOPS! is an initiative designed to build confidence and turn accidents into teaching moments. CELEBRATE OOPS! will instill an important life lesson (it’s okay to make mistakes) and foster a great spirit of creativity in your classroom and/or library.

Read Beautiful Oops! and implement the book’s message in your classroom and/or library—every mistake is an opportunity to make something beautiful. Take the resolution and receive classroom materials, including a poster, stickers, and an Educator’s Guide. Use the hashtag #BeautifulOops on social media, and share your classroom projects with us here!

bring barney to your school

Barney Saltzberg captivates audiences at schools, libraries, and bookstores where he draws pictures, plays his guitar, and talks about the creative process behind books and songs. Bring Barney to your school!