In April, earth-consciousness is in the air all month long. And here at Workman, we’ve got a slew of books to help everyone, from kids to adults, be a…
Welcome to Inside the Author’s Studio, where we give you a peek into the minds of your favorite Workman authors. Today we pick the sticky brain of Tim Nyberg,…
With Easter around the corner, who better to turn to for Easter basket ideas than the arbiter of good taste herself, Martha Stewart? So, let’s turn to the expert.…
We all know that once upon a time, Humpty Dumpty suffered from a great and unfortunate fall, but did you know it happened when he was attempting a grand-plié-triple-pirouette-arabesque-jump?…
A guest post by Debbie Lazarus, author of Sh*t Happens: The Book, to cheer us up on this dreary day (I mean, unless, unlike me, you have a fat…
In honor of’s Epic Book Drive to raise money for the New Orleans Recovery School District, Workman’s Editorial staff have nominated their favorite childhood books: the ones they…