Food & Drink

#30DaysofGiving: FOOD ANATOMY

Welcome to Workman’s #30DaysofGiving! This holiday season, we will be excerpting from some of our favorite books of the year and giving readers the chance to win a copy. Follow along by visiting our master digital advent calendar, and use the hashtag #30DaysofGiving on social media for daily updates.


FOOD ANATOMY by Julia Rothman (Day 9)

In honor of Thanksgiving tomorrow, we’re excerpting two spreads from the book that may come in handy for last-minute preparations: a layout of a formal American place setting, and an illustration of 8 classic American pies. 



Think you know food? Check out this quiz to test out just how encyclopedic your food knowledge really is.

9781612123400About the Book:

Get your recommended daily allowance of facts and fun with Food Anatomy, the third book in Julia Rothman’s best-selling Anatomy series. She starts with an illustrated history of food and ends with a global tour of street eats. Along the way, Rothman serves up a hilarious primer on short order egg lingo and a mouthwatering menu of how people around the planet serve fried potatoes—and what we dip them in. Award-winning food journalist Rachel Wharton lends her editorial expertise to this light-hearted exploration of everything food that bursts with little-known facts and delightful drawings. Everyday diners and seasoned foodies alike are sure to eat it up.



Buy the Book
Amazon | B&N | Indiebound | Workman


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