Welcome to Workman’s #30DaysofGiving! This holiday season, we will be excerpting from some of our favorite books of the year and giving readers the chance to win a copy. Follow along by visiting our master digital advent calendar, and use the hashtag #30DaysofGiving on social media for daily updates.
HEALTHY, HAPPY YOU by Nora Rosendahl, Nelli Lahteenmaki, and Aleksi Hoffman (Day 26)
How to Use This Book
Healthy, Happy YOU makes self-improvement bite-sized. Give the book just one minute of your day, every day, and it will give you simple micro-actions you can do for a healthier, happier you.
When you’ve completed a micro-action, tick it off in the square provided at the top of the page. You’ll find space on every page to write down your thoughts and note down your achievements. There are also “Reflect and Renew” sections throughout.
What is a micro-action?
A micro-action is small, simple, and achievable in a normal day. For anyone. “Meditate for twenty minutes” isn’t a micro-action, but “sit quietly for two minutes” is. “Run a marathon” isn’t a micro-action, but “take the stairs” is. Simple, but they make all the difference.
Micro-Action Categories
Each micro-action falls under one of these four categories:
FOOD: Food is such an integral part of how you live that small, simple changes in how you eat can add years to your life. “Food” micro-actions are not only about what you eat but how, when, how much, and with whom. “Stop eating chocolate” is not a micro-action. “Snack on a veggie” is.
MIND: The mind determines who you are and how you act. But it isn’t set in stone – it can be trained. “Mind” micro-actions tackle mindfulness (being present in the moment), productivity, and organization (making sense of the world around us). “Clean the house” is not a micro-action. “Organize a kitchen cabinet” is.
MOVE: “Move” micro-actions are about everyday movement – small, easy micro-actions that you can incorporate into your daily routine. “Sign up for a triathlon” is not a micro-action. “Do two minutes of heel kicks” is.
LOVE: Don’t be fooled by the title – it’s not about romance. “Love” micro-actions are about your relationship with yourself and with others. Here, micro-actions really matter. Treating someone well triggers a positive reaction in that person, which triggers a positive reaction in you, too. “Make a new friend” is not a micro-action. “Reach out to someone” is.
How do I start?
There are 365 micro-actions in this book: one for each day of the year. You can either follow the daily order or jump around to mix things up–it’s completely up to you!
Try out some of these sample micro-actions to begin:

About the Book:
“Small, easy steps for big, life-changing results—this book is genius.”—Jamie Oliver
Do you want to improve your health, live and love more mindfully, and increase your happiness?
This book makes it easy with 365 micro-actions—fun, achievable goals you can tackle right now. Take it on the go or keep it on your nightstand; do one action every day or dip in and out.
With contributions by Jamie Oliver, Caroline Arnold, Dr. Tara Swart, and others
Healthy, Happy You offers 365 micro-actions, one for each day of the year, grouped under four areas:
- Food: Prepare a Snack: Today, be ready for the snack attack—pack some veggie sticks or an apple before you head out.
- Mind: Do Something You Loved as a Kid: Recalling good memories is great for your mood. Even better, relive one!
- Move: Shopping Bag Weight Training: Ditch the cart, hold your shopping bags, and do some bicep curls as you walk.
- Love: Reach Out to Someone: We all have those friends we’ve wanted to call for a long time. Grab the phone!
Find two minutes today for a Healthy, Happy YOU!
Buy the Book
Amazon | B&N | Indiebound | Workman
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