
Celebrate #WorldBookNight by Being a “Giver”!

Mudbound, by Hillary Jordan, was published in 2006 by our friends over at Algonquin. I have to say, of all the books I read that year, it was my absolute favorite. I passed copies along to my mom, my mother-in-law — and recommended it to almost everyone I knew. This April, however, we have the opportunity to multiply that love, because Mudbound was selected as one of 32 titles to be included in World Book Night (#WBN13) this year! (To give you an idea what we’re aiming for, “on April 23, 2012, U.S. book givers handed out half a million printed books in 5,800 towns and cities across the country.” This, in my humble opinion, is truly awesome.) So the burning question remains, have you signed up to be a World Book Night USA Giver yet?

It’s super easy. Sign up, and you’ll be sent 20 copies of a book (light enough to carry, numbered enough to share the book far and wide) to distribute within your community. We are so excited to have a Workman Publishing/Algonquin Books book selected to be part of #WorldBookNight. Why not celebrate with us by applying to be a book giver? (‘Tis the season!)


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