
My First Time at New York Comic Con

For me, New York Comic Con had been one of those semi-mythical events: though I knew it existed, I couldn’t imagine the stories and pictures were true since I’d never been to it myself. This year, I got my chance. Along with two other brave Workman employees, I volunteered to work the booth all day that Saturday.

The first thing I noticed, watching the crowd trickle in at 10am, were the amazing costumes. Some popular themes I spotted throughout the day from my stationary perch: Batman villains (7 Riddlers and 6 Jokers); Doctor Who bow-ties; variations on formal head wear (top hats, fedoras, and hat-shaped fascinators on the ladies); multiple Princess Leias; superhero t-shirts galore. Oh, and one of these guys.

Predator was nice enough to stop and pose for this photo.

What I’ve taken away from my first Comic Con is that the stories are true, the fans are awesome, and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience.

Though, I admit, it was exhausting. Enough for a fellow booth worker to take a little closed-eyes break — in a thematically-appropriate zombie mask, of course.

But, probably not exhausting enough to keep me away next year.

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