Benjamin Franklin once said, “The noblest question in the world is what good may I do in it?” And many of us have the impulse to “do good,” but…
Via the New York Times, here’s a piece about a woman nearing the end of her quest to read a book a day over the course of a year.…
Cooking Jewish isn’t just about the holidays–it’s about the rich tradition of flavors generations old and the new twists we put on them. Judy Kancigor’s trip through old handwritten…
You have an idea. A great idea. Now what? Whether you dream of having your name on the cover of a successful book (and 81% of Americans believe they…
Barbara Flanagan is the author of Flanagan’s Smart Home: The 98 Essentials for Starting Out, Starting Over, Scaling Back Purge the clutter. Outfit your home with care: The 34…