Food & Drink

Balaboosta for Thanksgivukkah

Thanksgivukkah (the confluence of American Thanksgiving and the first day of the Jewish holiday of Chanukah on Thursday, November 28, 2013) is just 7 days away. This holiday won’t happen again for 70,000 years (really), so it’s crucial that we do it right. From Sufganiyot (a.k.a. “Hanukkah doughnuts”) to her Mom’s Chicken with Pomegranate & Walnuts, Einat Admony’s recipes are a perfect match for this very special occasion.

Balaboosta (3D)

ENTER NOW to win a signed copy of Balaboosta by Einat Admony!


And have a very Happy Thanksgivukkah!

Happy Thanksgivukkah

via BuzzFeed Food