
Brain Quest Challenge: Flag Day Edition

Today is Flag Day! (Why’s that, you ask? Well, please see below.) It’s a perfect day to break out your Brain Quest America deck. But first, test your knowledge with this Flag Day Brain Quest Challenge! Then let us know how you did in the comments.


1. Flag Day is celebrated each year on June 14. What happened on this day in 1777?
2. Does the color red in the American flag stand for justice, purity, or courage?
3. On what national monument can you find these words: “I lift my lamp beside the golden door”?
4. Can you see a big grizzly bear on the state flag of California or West Virginia?
5: Find two names for our national flag: Old Glory, Stars and Bars, Stars and Stripes.
6. When asked to surrender, what naval hero of the Revolution said, “I have not yet begun to fight”?
7. Who gets the credit for sewing the first American flag with stars and stripes?
8. What antlered animal can you see on the state flag of Maine?
9. Which state originally flew a flag with only one star on it?
10. The time was midnight, and the year was 1775. Who rode on horseback to warn that the British were coming?
11. The 50 stars on our flag stand for the 50 states in the U.S. What do the 13 stripes stand for?


1. The Continental Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes as the official flag of the United States.
2. Courage. (Blue is for justice; white is for purity.)
3. The Statue of Liberty. (The words are part of a poem written by Emma Lazarus.
4. California. (The bear is a symbol of determination.)
5. Old Glory, Stars and Stripes. (Stars and Bars is a name for the Confederate flag.)
6. John Paul Jones (who forced the British to surrender as his own damaged ship sank).
7. Betsy Ross, in 1776. (She was an official flagmaker for the Pennsylvania navy.)
8. A moose.
9. Texas, after gaining independence from Mexico. (Texas is still known as “the Lone Star State.”)
10. Paul Revere. (He was accompanied by fellow patriot William Dawes.)
11. The 13 original colonies.

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