Welcome to another installment of Inside the Author’s Studio, where we give you a peek into the minds and studios of your favorite Workman authors.
In honor of summer’s bounty, we’re celebrating with a visit to the (alfresco) studio of Myra Goodman. She’s the founder of Earthbound Farm–the country’s largest producer of organic produce and other products–and author of The Earthbound Cook and Food to Live By. Here, we ask her a few questions, speed round style.
Recent book you loved/learned from
Cutting for Stone. Amazing!
Favorite bookstore
I was at Powell’s in Portland on my book tour last month. Amazing stores, even one specializing in home and gardens, with the largest selection of cookbooks I’ve ever seen, and great gifts.
Hidden talent
Knitting ambidextrously
Bookmark, dog-ear, or virtuality?
Dog-ear paperback novels. Post-It notes for cookbooks.
Book you are most ashamed never to have read
Atlas Shrugged, especially because everyone is talking about the movie now…
Most frequent form of writerly procrastination
Getting stuck on email.
Favorite childhood book
The Secret Garden
Alternate ambition (i.e. If you weren’t a writer/Earthbound Farm founder, you’d be…)
A nutritionist or dietician who works with teenagers.
Your perfect meal
A summer harvest feast of fresh picked corn with melted butter; ripe heirloom tomatoes with buffalo mozzarella and basil with great olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and salt over a baby arugula salad; a bit of perfectly grilled steak and a warm stone fruit crisp with vanilla ice cream…
Big dream
To live in a healthy, thriving world free of toxic chemicals.
Super power of choice
To travel through time.
What summer crop are you looking forward to this month?
What 3 fresh ingredients is your refrigerator never without?
Salad, fruit, and ricotta cheese.
What Workman book would you like to receive as compensation for your involvement?
Whatever my editor Suzanne Rafer recommends for me! (You’ve got it, Myra! There’s a copy of the utterly compelling, eco-conscious World Without Fish headed your way!)
Myra Goodman is the do-Gooder behind The Earthbound Cook and Food to Live By.
Michael R. Brown
June 2, 2011 at 11:41 pm“Atlas Shrugged” rocks.
July 10, 2011 at 12:14 amWonderful! I’m proud of you, Myra!