*SCROLL DOWN FOR DOWNLOADABLES!* No matter how kids spent their summer, the first few weeks of school are always about brushing up on essential skills from the year before.…
Stefan Banach, one the most influential mathematicians of the 20th century, once said, “Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit.” He clearly didn’t…
We asked Sean Connolly, author of the upcoming The Book of Massively Epic Engineering Disasters, to weigh in on the great STEM vs. STEAM debate going on in schools…
When you think about your child’s summer, chances are you picture kids running through sprinklers, participating in camp sing-alongs, and maybe even starting an epic water balloon fight—but not…
To learn more, check out Mark Kurlansky’s World Without Fish, a uniquely illustrated book on the looming destruction of the oceans (and what we can do about it). 10 Fascinating Fish…
Aside from his long-held post as professor for the public understanding of science at Oxford, evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has become widely known for his increasingly public advocacy for…