Animals & Pets/ News

Wednesday Cute: A Year In Review

This week’s Wednesday Cute was written by editorial intern Perry, who is looking forward to drinking pink champagne tonight!

Dear Readers,

Over the last few months, we’ve been bringing back the Wednesday Cute with exotic animals, adorable videos, and cute food art. Intern Rachel and I have very much enjoyed bringing you something cute every week and we will continue to do so in the new year. But as this year draws to a close, we thought it was time to reflect on some of the cutest stories of 2014:

1. Olympic athletes adopting Sochi strays


During the Olympics,  it quickly became clear that the stray dog population in Sochi would be a problem.  Gus Kenworthy, an Olympic skier, decided to do something about it and adopted five puppies that accompanied him home. Some of his fellow athletes joined him, making this the cutest Olympics ever.

2. Four-year-old fashionista makes incredible paper dresses


“Mayhem”, as her mother calls her, is the delightful model and co-designer of these paper masterpieces. The internet took notice when Mayhem and her mom started instagramming paper versions of the designs celebrities wore to award shows. I can’t wait to see their 2015 collection!

3. Father/daughter Leia and Han Solo costumes

Leia Dad

Halloween always produces it’s fair share of cute costumes, but this was one of the cutest. When Tom Burns’ daughter asked him if she could be Han Solo for the holiday, this was his response:

“When she asked if she could dress up as Han Solo, it seemed as if she was asking permission, and I could tell that part of the hesitation was the gender thing. I immediately said ‘Yes, of course that’s ok! The gender thing shouldn’t even enter your mind.’ So when she said, ‘If I’m Han Solo, you should probably be Princess Leia,’ I couldn’t argue that point.”

The result: a pretty great picture for the scrap book!

4. Tiny hamster eating a tiny burrito

This needs no explanation. Just watch and be enchanted.

5. December babies go home in stockings


Some hospitals like to get in the holiday spirit and send babies born around Christmas home in stockings! These are the cutest little stocking stuffers you are ever going to see.

So on that adorable note, Rachel and I bid you a fond farewell for 2014. We’ll be back in January with more cute animals and babies. If you see something cute that you’d like us to share with the world, let us know in comments!

Lots of love,

Perry and Rachel



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