Animals & Pets/ News

Wednesday Cute: The Fantastic Fennec Fox

Today’s installment of Wednesday Cute was written by editorial intern Perry, who has always dreamed of having a cute animal sidekick.

Have you ever seen the Studio Ghibli classic Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind and desperately wished that you too could have a cool fictional fox-squirell pet?

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This is Teto. He is adorable, but feisty!

Well, the waiting is over because here is the real life version. Meet the Fennec Fox:

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The fennec fox is the smallest fox in the world, weighing between 1.5-3.5 lbs.

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They live in the Sahara Desert and parts of North Africa, where their many adaptions help them survive the harsh environment. Fennec foxes are nocturnal, which keeps them out of the heat. Their ears contribute as well by helping to dissipate body heat. Thick fur helps insulate these little guys at night and protect them from the sun during the day.

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Fennec foxes live in small groups no larger than 10, in underground dens. These groups usually consist of a parent couple and their offspring. Some fennec families even connect their dens, creating a little neighborhood. They exhibit a lot of social behavior–fennec foxes living in captivity love  playing roughly together, like puppies, and then taking a nap together later.

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Snuggle Buddies 😀

They are hunted by humans for their fur and to be captured and sold as exotic pets. While they are not considered an endangered species, the trading of fennec foxes is regulated to keep it that way.

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If you are already dreaming of having your very own special fox friend as a pet, take a breath. There are some things you should know first. Fennec foxes that are sold as pets usually come from a breeder and can be fairly pricey. They’ve been described as friendly and energetic pets, a sort of cat/dog combo in terms of personality. However, they can be difficult to potty train (and will likely never be completely house broken). Since they are nocturnal, they can also get noisy at night.

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Keeping a fennec fox as a pet requires a big time commitment. They need a lot of time with their owner in order to bond properly. Their living space is also an issue. Some owners keep them inside, in which case the house needs to be fox proofed, which can be difficult. They are very curious creatures and will get into everything, given the opportunity. Some choose to keep them outside, which may involve some special fencing. Since fennec foxes are very good at digging, the fence needs to be partially buried, in addition to other techniques, or they will escape.

There is also the simple matter of legality–fennec foxes are legal to own as pets in some places and illegal in others, so before you even think about getting one, you should check your local laws and see if you need any kind of permit.

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If you plan on buying a fennec fox as a pet, it is incredibly important to remember that this is a wild animal. Fennec foxes have not been bred to be domestic animals and, while fairly docile, they can be unpredictable. If you travel often and leave them alone for too long, it is entirely possible that they will forget you. They might also bite or scratch for no apparent reason. Because of this, they should not be left alone with small children.

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Whether you wish to own a fennec fox as a pet or just admire them from afar like myself, there is no doubt that these guys are super cute.

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Sweet dreams:*


1 Comment

  • Reply
    December 29, 2015 at 3:55 pm

    They are sooooooo cute and I want one as a pet but my mom won’t let me have one. I love their ears a lot.

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