
“Caveman” Flank Steak

My own grilling skills are embarrassingly limited, but as soon as the weather gets warm, I begin craving all things cooked over charcoal. But between excessive rain here in the Northeast and a lack of grill access  in my Brooklyn apartment, I didn’t get a chance to grill at all this spring. So, when I went to the beach last week, I decided to beef up my skill set by grilling every single night. Among the hot dogs, hamburgers, vegetable skewers, and my latest obsession, grilled corn, one dish stood apart from the rest–Steven Raichlen’s Caveman T-Bone recipe.

Due to a mediocre grocery store and budget limitations, we had to go with a flank steak rather than T-bones. We marinated it in lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, and parsley for a couple hours, sprinkled on salt and pepper, heated up the coals, and then laid it right on the coals. While the thinner cut made it more difficult to get the amazing char Steven gets on the T-bone (while still keeping the middle nice and juicy), it did get a more smoky flavor than it would have gotten on the grate. The steak was delicious on its own (with grilled corn on the side, of course), and the leftovers made for incredible steak sandwiches the next day, but to be honest, the best part was that it was just plain fun to make!

Flank steak on the coals

Flank steak on the coals

The poke test

The poke test

After foiling and resting, it's time to slice.

After foiling and resting, it’s time to slice

Click here for Steven’s Caveman T-Bones With Hellfire Hot Sauce recipe and video


  • Reply
    November 3, 2009 at 3:46 pm

    After chatting with the grocery butcher, my brother informed me that the butcher recommended flank steaks because they are the best value for your money. It is a good way to balance value and quality on a budget.

  • Reply
    Jeff Lyau
    December 22, 2009 at 4:22 pm

    While this issue can be very vexed for most people, my thought is that there has to be a middle or common ground that we all can find. I do value that you’ve added pertinent and sound commentary here though. Thank you!

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