Food & Drink

Prison Ramen Recipes: Ramen Trail Mix

Looking for creative ways to use ramen noodles?

If you panic-bought ramen noodle cups, you’re not alone! These shelf-stable styrofoam instant meals are perfect pantry staples. Still, plain ramen can be a bore after a while…spice it up with one of many creative ways to use ramen noodles from our ramen-centric cookbook, Prison Ramen: Stories and Recipes from Behind Bars.

Excerpted from Prison Ramen: Stories and Recipes from Behind Bars. Copyright © 2020.

Here’s the recipe once more:


1 pack chili flavor Ramen
Heaping 1⁄2 cup raisins (4 ounces)
1 cup salted peanuts (about 4 ounces)
1⁄2 cup chopped pitted dates (4 ounces)

Heaping 1⁄2 cup dried banana chips (4 ounces)


1. Crush the Ramen in the wrapper and empty into a large bowl

2. Add half of the seasoning.

3. Add the raisins, peanuts, dates, and banana chips. Mix well.

More About Prison Ramen

A unique and edgy cookbook, Prison Ramen takes readers behind bars with more than 65 ramen recipes and stories of prison life from the inmate/cooks who devised them, including celebrities like Slash from Guns n’ Roses and the actor Shia LaBeouf.

Instant ramen is a ubiquitous food, beloved by anyone looking for a cheap, tasty bite—including prisoners, who buy it at the commissary and use it as the building block for all sorts of meals. Think of this as a unique cookbook of ramen hacks. Here’s Ramen Goulash. Black Bean Ramen. Onion Tortilla Ramen Soup. The Jailhouse Hole Burrito. Orange Porkies—chili ramen plus white rice plus ½ bag of pork skins plus orange-flavored punch. Ramen Nuggets. Slash’s J-Walking Ramen (with scallions, Sriracha hot sauce, and minced pork).

Coauthors Gustavo “Goose” Alvarez and Clifton Collins Jr. are childhood friends—one an ex-con, now free and living in Mexico, and the other a highly successful Hollywood character actor who’s enlisted friends and celebrities to contribute their recipes and stories. Forget flowery writing about precious, organic ingredients—these stories are a first-person, firsthand look inside prison life, a scared-straight reality to complement the offbeat recipes.

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