
Grilling up Veggies

I love to grill. And while it can be hard to fight for time in front of the flames for those of us aren’t necessarily of the ribs-ribs-and-more-ribs persuasion (yes, my nickname in college was Megan the Vegan–yes, it rhymes), when I finally do secure some face time with the grill, it’s all over: peppers, onions, giant portabellos–even pineapple–and, of course my favorite: corn on the cob. Corn, in all its simplicity, can be prepared and impressive number of ways. To husk or not to husk, to soak or not to soak–these are but two of the questions when it comes to preparing corn on the cob on a grill. So this July 4th, I turned to author Crescent Dragonwagon of the Passionate Vegetarian cookbook for a new way to approach the golden kerneled goodness. Our author and her intrepid tasters found that no pre-soaked, husk bundled grilled ear of corn could stand up to naked corn cooked straight on the grill. Here’s what my experiment is going to look like this weekend:

Grilled Corn via Passionate Vegetarian by Crescent Dragonwagon (pp.737-8)


1-2 ears per person, shucked

Any desired condiments including butter, seas salt, pepper, lime halves

1. Preheat the grill to high, then turn it down to medium.

2. Place the corn over indirect heat or low direct heat and grill, covered, for 3 to 5 minutes. The yellow of the corn should intensify slightly, and there should be lots of golden-brown scorched spots. The texture will be a little tougher and chewier than raw or boiled corn, but that’s part of it’s charm! Serve immediately.

YUM. What will you throw on the grill when you commandeer it this 4th of July weekend?

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