
How well do you know the DC Comics Universe?

How well do you know the DC Comics Universe? Test yourself with the following questions from DC Comic trivia master and author of Fandex DC Comics Super Heroes and Villians, Randall Lotowycz, plus a bonus question for the truly devout fan.

1) Aquaman’s trusted ally and pet was an octopus named…
A) Toro
B) Topo
C) Toto
D) Otto

2) Members of the Green Lantern Corps must recharge their power rings how often?
A) Once every 24 hours
B) Once a month
C) Once a year
D) Trick question; a Green Lantern’s light never dims

3) The Justice League of America first assembled after teaming up to stop an invasion by which race of aliens?
A) The Dominators
B) The Appellaxians
C) The Daxamites
D) The Thanagarians

4) The night Bruce Wayne’s parents were murdered, the family had gone to see a movie featuring which famous silver-screen icon(s)?
A) Dracula
B) Frankenstein
C) Zorro
D) The Three Stooges

Bonus: The S-shaped emblem on Superman’s chest is actually the Kryptonian word for hope. But when upside-down, it means something else entirely…
A) King
B) Apathy
C) Resurrection
D) Sorrow

All characters, their distinctive likeness, and related elements are trademarks of DC Comics © 2010. All Rights Reserved.

1) B, Topo
2) A, Once every 24 hours
3) B, The Appellaxians
4) C, Zorro
Bonus: C, Resurrection


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