
My Mom’s the Best Mom

Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and we here in the Workman office sure have a lot to celebrate. I asked some of my co-workers to take a page out of Stuart Hample’s book My Mom’s the Best Mom and tell me just what makes their moms so great. Let us know why your mom’s the best in the comments!


“She believes everything I do is totally great and is always happy when good things happen in my life. And she still buys me dinner.” —Mary Ellen

“My mom’s the best mom because, when I was young, she sang show tunes while we did the dishes, which is why some of the most beautiful songs in the world are indelibly inscribed in my brain.” —Suzie

“When I was two and ‘writing’ my first short story, she put the words to paper while I dictated. Plus, Ilene Beckerman drew this awesome picture of her.” —Randall

“My mom has a way of making any space she’s in feel like home, and of making anyone she meets feel like family.” —Melody

“My Mom came when my first child was born and did all of the laundry for two weeks!” —Kendra

“She still calls me M&M, even though I’m almost 26 years old. She also had a life-size poster of Brad Pitt in our laundry room until she swapped him out for Bo Bice (an American Idol runner-up from like 6 years ago). She’s a complete teenager-at-heart. And she’s the prettiest mom in the world.” —Emily

“She is one of my best friends, I can tell her ANYTHING—and I HAVE!” —Anthony

“My mom’s the best mom because she made sure I grew up around laughter. She can find, or create, humor in almost any situation, like how she recycles the same bags of licorice ‘coal’ (now expired and inedible) in each family member’s stocking at Christmas. And she’s the best advisor because she really is always right.” —Liz

“My mom would put me to bed every night by quoting Shakespeare: ‘To bed, to bed, there’s knocking at the gate!'” —Sara

“My mom is wonderful because she still requires that I inform her of my arrival at any destination I set out for that’s more than an hour from my home. And there is no end in sight, because my grandmother makes her do the same thing.” —Marissa

“Mom is great because no matter how old I am, in her eyes I’ll always be 10 years old.” —Fiorella

“My mother had the ability to praise and criticize in one sentence.  ‘You look very pretty in that dress but don’t you think it’s a little…out of style?’ No matter.  I got used to it.  And I adored her.  She’s been gone for 24 years and not a day goes by that I don’t think of her and miss her.” —Carolan

“She’s never asked me to be anyone but me.” —Lia

—Avery, whose mom is the best mom because she went to every one of her three daughters’ plays, recitals, and orchestra concerts.


  • Reply
    May 4, 2011 at 6:19 pm

    As the mom of Liz, I say, “Awwww”. So sweet and endearing. And true. Laughter is the very best medicine of all. Of course, I always think my daughter is the best daughter!

  • Reply
    May 5, 2011 at 8:53 am

    Aww, mom, that’s so cute, and you are also really good at embarrassing me. Haha, just kidding!

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