
On Self-Reliance

A big milestone in learning to sew is gaining the ability to make something look decent. The problem? Achieving a “decent” stitch is unlikely to garner you any compliments. So in cases like these, I feel it is important to toot your own horn.

What I am bragging about today is the fact that, with my very own two hands, a needle, some thread, and a diminutive pair of scissors, I have hemmed my own pants. Not just once, either. TWICE. (And I’m not even counting individual pant legs!) I know. It’s mind-boggling. I am awash in the glow of my own self-reliance and economy!

The best part is, I didn’t inherit the ability to hem from a crafty relative, I learned it from one of our books! Check out this excerpt from  Diana Rupp’s Sew Everything Workshop and you, too, could avoid the terrible, unjust, and deeply dissatisfying feeling of having your tailor turn your discounted pair of $50 pants into the originally priced $60 pair of pants you were so excited not to be buying. Not to mention the deep shame of having new pairs of pants sit in your house, unworn, for months before you manage to get them to the tailor.

A word of caution: If you, like me, are not a very good sewer and do not own a sewing machine, the first hemming attempt may be a time-intensive process. But the post-hemming feeling? Priceless.

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