
I Came, I Saw, I Frosted

It was Saturday night. Know what that means? Time to party. And we all know what that means—food and drink (as well as dancing). For our housewarming party, my roommates and I decided to each make one batch of cupcakes. There was just one problem. I had never baked cupcakes before. The Great Cupcake Challenge meant I would have to make two dozen individual cakes—and frost each one! Are you kidding me? Who has the time for that?!

Enter Anne Byrn, dessert diva and Cake Mix Doctor extraordinaire. I chose Anne’s Peanut Butter Surprises from Cupcakes! from the Cake Mix Doctor. (Before I continue, I know what you’re thinking: Where did this girl grow up—Timbuktu? All true-blue American children have baked cupcakes at some point in their lives! To which I will answer: No, I was not deprived of sweets as a young child. I just grew up in a household that wasn’t big on spending time at the oven or stove.)

Back to the present, and my cupcake coup. I grocery-shopped, I baked, I frosted. You can see the result below, and if you want me to repeat verbatim the accolades I received for their superior, home-baked flavor…well, I’d be happy to oblige.

peanut butter cupcakes

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