
Next Step to Getting Published? Get With it!

It’s no news that the book industry is changing, and fast. Seems like every week brings a new iteration of an e-reader, a new entrepreneurial model that’s going to change the game for good, a new social media platform that is fast becoming The Number One Way to Promote Books for Free! Sure, it’s exciting, but it’s also enough to make an editor want to roll over and say, “Can somebody please brief me when this is all sorted out?”

And I know authors feel the same. I was recently lucky enough to have tea with the fabulous Diane Leslie, family friend, novelist,  and moderator of book groups at Brentwood’s most excellent Diesel bookstore, and she had me in stitches with the assertion that her real-life connections didn’t count anymore, because she wasn’t friends with them online.

Point being, even the most experienced of authors (in this case, a model author—a former bookseller who knows every writer and book person in town) needs guidance on navigating these busy new waters. Which is why, for every author (or editor!) whose head is currently spinning, we’re very pleased to be able to offer a great free resource for a limited time only—the incredibly valuable chapter on social media from The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published. Arielle and David interviewed dozens upon dozens of experts in the field (Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuk, Mike Shatzkin, Debbie Stier, Workman author Ramit Sethi, and Workman friend Fauzia Burke, to name a few) and did an amazing job at distilling all the info into a totally accessible primer. Enjoy, apply, and, if you have any questions, ask away in the comments section or directly on the authors’ site.

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