
Never fear, WorkMan is here

Do Something!Kids have all the fun, even when they’re trying to make the world a better place (and especially if they’re using Do Something!: A Handbook for Young Activists, as their guide).  Most of the time, when kids are having fun, we grown-ups are suffering, painfully.  But who said that grown-ups can’t try to steal a little of that fun for themselves?

It’s not everyday that I get to create my own superhero, especially in my office cubicle, so how could I pass up Do Something‘s Project #15: Superhero Help. Using the supplied templates, I picked a body for my superhero (the one that most resembled my own, of course), colored it in, and designed a costume using everyday office supplies like highlighters and colored labels from the supply closet.


Meet WorkMan: editorial intern by day, superhero by night. What makes WorkMan so awesome? Well, besides his superior line-editing, fact-checking, and origami folding abilities, he fights for the equality of all, ensuring that everyone has the same basic human rights all around the world. He also has an awesome blue jumpsuit.

–Editorial Intern Justin would like you to know that he was a mustache last year for Halloween. This year he will be a fish or a sweater.

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