
Take a Quick Break to Laugh at (or with!) Parents Who Text

Parents. Sometimes they nag, sometimes they scold, but they’re always there to make you laugh. Especially when they’re texting. When Parents Text: So Much Said . . . So Little Understood,  a collection of insanely funny texts between parents and kids, captures the humor (intentional and otherwise) that older generations impart to us through their electronic devices.

(Ahem, MOM.)

Whether you are guilty of sending parental texts or of turning in your parents to the texting authorities, you’re certain to relate to (and chortle at) little gems like these. So, for a serious dose of textual hilarity in the news, be sure to check out the Huffington Post slideshow, complete with gems like “Lunch Maggots”…as seen here:

And remember, someday you might be that parent trying to cope with the trials of a newfangled, completely foreign technology… Talk about scary!

(Mine, for example, recently sent a particular gem about seeing Rick Perry in the doctor’s office—all humor intentional.)

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