Life & Style

The Homemade Holidays Thanksgiving Menu


Simplicity reigns on Thanksgiving, but the details still count. We hope you’ll find inspiration in the menu we’ve designed, which kicks things off with a light and elegant soup, then moves on to spruced-up standards such as buttermilk and garlic mashed potatoes and gussied-up green beans.

With so many dishes on the docket, the key to success lies in a combination of timing and delegation. The only dishes that must be made the day of are the turkey and gravy, the mashed potatoes, and the green beans. Everything else can easily be prepared a day or two in advance.


Roast Turkey

Roast Turkey from The Silver Palate Cookbook


The Menu


Wild Mushroom Soup

Green Beans with Walnuts & Tarragon (Vegetarian)
Roasted Root Vegetable Medley (Vegetarian)
Mr. Wilkinson’s Roasted Brussels Sprouts (Vegetarian)

Cornbread-Sausage Stuffing with Apples
Wild Rice Stuffing (Gluten-Free)
Buttermilk and Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Sweet Potato Casserole

Mains & Sauces
Our Favorite Way to Roast Turkey (and Giblet Gravy)
Pumkpin Risotto (Vegetarian)
Fresh Cranberry Sauce (Vegetarian)

Traditional Pumpkin Pie & Southern Bourbon-Pecan Pumpkin Pie
All-American Apple Pie




Silver Palate Cookbook
For more recipes like this, check out The Silver Palate Cookbook by Julee Rosso and Sheila Lukins—just $4.99 for the holidays!

Buy the Book: Amazon | B&N | | Google Play | iBooks | Kobo



1 Comment

  • Reply
    An Elegant Christmas Menu - Homemade Holiday 101 | Homemade Holiday 101
    December 16, 2013 at 9:51 am

    […] all in copious quantities—we tend to like our Christmas dinners on the more refined side. If Thanksgiving is sweet potatoes with marshmallows, Christmas is a salad adorned with grilled figs and walnuts. […]

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