Food & Drink

Breakfast Quinoa

Jumpstart your morning with this adaptable breakfast quinoa recipe from from Leanne Brown’s Good and Cheap.
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Quinoa makes a great alternative to oatmeal from time to time. It contains more naturally occurring protein than oats do, so it keeps you full longer. Unfortunately, it also comes with a higher price tag, but if you buy in bulk, it can still be affordable.

Breakfast Quinoa

Serves 2
$1.25 / serving
$2.50 total


  • 1 cup white quinoa
  • 2 cups water
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 cup berries or chopped fruit, fresh or frozen


  1. Add the quinoa, water, and salt to a small pot and bring to a boil over medium heat. Turn the heat down to low. Place a lid on the pot, slightly askew, to let steam escape.
  2. After about 10 minutes, add the sugar and half the fruit, stirring to combine. The quinoa should take about 20 minutes total, but keep an eye on it and add more water if it becomes too dry. It’s ready when the grains are translucent, have doubled in size, and you can see an opaque ring around each grain.
  3. Fluff up the quinoa with a fork and scoop it into bowls. Top with the rest of the fruit.

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