
Watch an Elephant and a Dog Prove that Friendship Has No Boundaries

As if we needed more evidence of the wonders of the animal kingdom, the early success of Unlikely Friendships–a book that tells of 47 remarkable, heartwarming animal friendships–proves that unconditional love exists across all boundaries–race, gender, even species. The book debuts at #6 on the New York Times Best Sellers Trade Paperback Nonfiction list and is #22 on the Combined Hardcover & Paperback Nonfiction list.

In celebration, we’re posting the video of a particular pair–Tara and Bella, the elephant and the dog–who came together at an Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee and whose adorable story (via CBS Evening News) fast became an internet sensation. They’re featured in the book, along with famous gorilla Koko and her kitten, All Ball; the hippo Owen and the tortoise Mzee; and Kizzee, the Greyhound, and Murphy, the tabby, who prove that cats and dogs really can get along!

If this video leaves you with the need to coo at some more inter-species pals, check out the article and slideshow that Parade magazine put together about the book to further indulge in the wonder of it all.


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