Food & Drink

Whiskey Hot Toddy

Excerpted from David Solmonson and Lesley Jacobs Solmonson’s The 12 Bottle Bar.
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Toddies are drinks of the old school, dating back to colonial days. There’s not much mystery to them, but if done right, you’ll be surprised how well a toddy can slide down and warm the bones. Two ounces of booze, no matter how much or little it’s diluted in a drink, is still two ounces of booze, and while this one may seem thin up front, you’ll most likely feel the onset of effects soon enough. Of course, if you’re feeling a bit nostalgic about home remedies, the hot whiskey toddy was traditionally believed to cure just about whatever ailed you. As always, feel free to adjust any of the ingredients to suit your particular tastes.

whiskey hot toddy

Whiskey Hot Toddy


  • 2 ounces rye whiskey
  • 1 cube sugar, preferably raw sugar, such as Demerara
  • Lemon twist
  • 4 ounces boiling water
  • Fresh whole nutmeg, for garnish


  1. Combine the rye and sugar in a heatproof mug.
  2. Squeeze the lemon twist over the surface of the drink to express the oils, and drop it in. Top with the boiling water and stir. Garnish with a grating of nutmeg.

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